2024 Streaming, and the Plan Going Forward

[TLDR – Yeah, I’m a Filthy Casual when it comes to streaming, but I’m not stopping anytime soon. And I have ideas… Read below to know more!]

So Twitch just dropped their Year in Review and I figured I’d go ahead and talk about mine here.

What I Watched

First off… I’m hella casual! Sucks being older and working full time, and having what I hear is called… “a Life” in the Real World. My stats show that I really don’t spend all my time doing all the things on twitch that can help me grow.

I’ve only watched about 71 hours, with 64 distinct days visited… out of the entire year! Really doesn’t seem like much, but this thing called “Life” tends to come in between me and being able to watch everyone as much as I’d like to.  And when I do get to watch, it’s not much more than at at hour at a time, on average. Although I do know that I tend to watch for multiple hours whenever I can, so that tells me there are plenty of streams I cut REALLY short due to time constraints.

I’ve also only sent 1.36K chats? Out of 64 days where I visited streams, on average, that’s just over 21 chats sent per stream. (I always was the anti-social part of the communal brain.) I can also guess that’s why I like smaller streams. If there’s too much going on, then my comments will just tend to get lost in the noise and makes it harder to be motivated to interact. So I guess that tracks.

As for my own streaming…

How much (or little) I streamed

I got 18 new followers! How many of those were bots I ultimately banned? Or if that’s not counted, how many were people that ultimately were following to later send me a DM out of the blue to try and help me with “…branding my channel…”? All with the exact same verbiage and sales pitch… * sigh * I can guess there’s a handful of actual followers there, and for them I am thankful. (Just wish you’d show up and chat with me on stream more often!)

And 162 hours of my streams watched, out of 161 streams! and considering I stream for about 3 hours minimum… it’s no wonder I haven’t made Affiliate yet after 7+ years streaming. I can make up all sorts of reasons why this is the case from the system being weighted against small streamers, to blaming people for wanting a larger audience to interact with from the get go, to just me being plain boring. Are any of those true? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Who knows?  Fact of the matter is, if I want to grow as a streamer, I need content to publish on YouTube and Twitter and BlueSky.  But I ain’t got time for that!  So it is what it is, and even though it does get lonely, it’s not the end of the world. 

As for games I’ve streamed, the top 5 are:

– Snowbreak (Top 10%…? Really?)
– Conan Exiles (Top 10%? Are you kidding me?)
– Mass Effect (Legendary Edition)
– Wuthering Waves
– Cyberpunk 2077

According to this, I’m top 10% stream time for Snowbreak? Is that right? I can believe that somewhat since not many streamers give Snowbreak a second thought. Would be nice to gain a few followers for it, but… oh well.

Also showing as Top 10% is Conan Exiles! THIS one is surprising, as I only streamed that for a month or two? I got pretty far and built quite a bit on-stream, but when the Age of Heroes update happened, some things broke and the frustration of thralls wandering off and getting lost hit me and I basically haven’t even done much on my own in there since. I have heard there were some fixes patched in but this is probably one of those times I’ll take a step back for a while before I decide to start it up again.

But that’s has surely got to be wrong…! There are much bigger Creators out there that have got bigger presences than me streaming Conan! Right? >.>

So yeah, all these stats show just how much of a filthy casual I am! I can’t even stick with one game! But seriously, I have more interests than just ONE Game. And no one should be expected to stick with one or two games just to get an audience.

So why do I do this? Because I want to share what I enjoy with others. I want to connect with someone over some of the things that I like. I don’t NEED to hit it BIG and become the next Tectone or anything like that. In fact I prefer NOT having such a large following.  Will I make it big some day? Pfft! Hell no! But it’s not really something I’m actively working for anyway. I’d have to start making videos or something that I can post on YouTUBE and ACTUALLY Blog more often, and that shit’s work! (I’ve already got a job, i don’t need another!)  If I WANT to make a video, or if a subject comes up that I NEED to write about, then I’ll do it. (Like this post!) But I’m not going to make doing that a priority just to try and grow my presence.

Instead I MIGHT make a schedule so I can play certain games on specific days. Maybe. I know I keep threatening that on stream, but again, I just want to do what I like when I feel like it. If I happen to make a friend or two along the way, then that’s all I really want.

So yeah, future plans and all that. I’ll keep up with Friday Night Firefights as much as I can. The games may change up a bit here and there, but that will probably be my main streaming presence.

Saturday Night LIVE (Don’t sue me!) is also a thing I do on occasion, and I’ll try to be more active with it as well.

Other ideas are:
– Monday Madness – Horror games
– Tomb Raider Tuesday
– Throwback Thursday – Retro Games

Not to mention new games coming soon, or that I plan to purchase/play coming up, like MechaBreak, Dune Awakening, the Horizon Games, or maybe something else that I haven’t heard about yet that just grabs a hold of me out of the blue!  There is a lot i’d like to do, just never enough time to do it all.  And this doesn’t even touch All the Anime that’s been coming out recently!  It’s a bit much to do all at once, so it will have to roll out when time allows.

So yeah, this ended up being longer than I intended, but that’s nothing new for me! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll try to post more things later on.

Happy Holidays every one!

~ NetRaven

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